I'm making happiness jewelry. It's all plastic and bright and ridiculous and I'm not sure if anyone is going to be into it but I'm totally into it. I don't have pictures...I think my camera is hiding in the refrigerator or something. However, I did a search for happiness on Etsy and this is really freaking cool:

If I don't buy it first, you can buy it here, at
Dazey Chic's Shop
Now that's Happiness!
French Fries are lovely. I will have some on Saturday and I cannot wait. McDonald's are the best. I will supersize.
Birds are lovely, hummingbirds are my fave.
I will name the hummingbird that visits me this year French Fry. Perfect. I am quite happy now.
Too cute! :D
Can't wait to see the jewelry!! :D
I bought this for a friend for her wedding. And this very blogpost brought me 10 hits to my crochet shop... I think google analytics is wonky.
I don't like that it gives me word verifications after the fact. Then I have to type another guest book signature.
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